Types of parasites that live in the human body


All types of parasites in the human body have a detrimental effect on his health. They infect organs, consume nutrients necessary for human life, and release harmful toxic substances. Therefore, it is very important to get rid of them on time.

The human body is affected by various parasites, some living inside the body, others on its surface. Their size varies, the way they enter the body, in the characteristics of their vital activity.

What parasites live in the human body? How to get rid of them? What are the precautions in place? These issues will be discussed below.

Classification of parasites

Human parasites are very common, they are divided into several groups:

  1. Endoparasitesorganisms that are parasitic in a person are called. This group, in turn, is divided into protozoa (consisting of a single cell) and helminths (worms). The simplest parasites in the human body, are amoebae, lamblia, Trichomonas, toxoplasma. As for worms, here again there is a division into roundworms (nematodes), flatworms and tapeworms.
  2. Ectoparasite- these are organisms that do parasites on the surface of the human body - lice, lice, lice, lice. In addition to the fact that they consume human blood, causing discomfort (bites, burning, skin lesions), they carry quite dangerous diseases: typhoid, anthrax, trypanosomiasis and others.

Single -celled parasites:

  1. Giardia. . . Giardiasis infection is a fecal-oral mechanism. After cysts (unformed parasites, covered with a protective membrane) are removed from the anus of a sick person, they spread to vegetables, fruits and other food products. Through poorly washed hands, stagnant water, inadequately washed fruits and vegetables, cysts enter the human oral cavity, from where they safely reach the intestines, where they re-transform into adults and reproduce again. The result is a vicious cycle that will continue until adequate treatment and hygiene measures are followed. Symptoms of the disease are weakness, fatigue, headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating. Itching in the anus, skin rash, bronchial asthma may occur. The pathology is characterized by weight loss, anemia, and weakened immune system. Treatment is with antiprotozoal drugs. The dose is prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Toxoplasma. . . Infection with these protozoa occurs through contact with infected pets. In this case, a person is the intermediate host, because the cycle of sexual development of the parasite takes place in the body of the animal. The disease is manifested by a prolonged increase in temperature to subfebrile levels, signs of general intoxication, the patient has enlarged lymph nodes, joint and muscle pain appear. Also, gastrointestinal and visual tract function is disturbed, the central nervous system may suffer, there are signs of heart disease and the endocrine system. Complex treatment is prescribed - antibiotics of the tetracycline and sulfonamide groups.
  3. Trichomonas. . . Trichomonas is sexually transmitted, the risk of infection through contact is minimal, but still present. Symptoms of the disease in women are itching, redness on the genitals, burning sensation and whiteness. Men may have difficulty urinating and experience vaginal discharge. Treatment - anti -trichomonas drugs.

Pinworm is an intestinal parasite

The most well -known internal parasite is the cream worm. They live in the gut and cause a disease called enterobiasis. This type of parasite attacks not only humans, but also monkeys. Risk group-children of preschool age, according to statistics, enterobiasis is diagnosed in half of children from 2 to 10 years.

Cream worms

Worms are transmitted from person to person, you can be infected through objects used by sick people, or through handshakes. The main condition for the transfer of cream worm eggs is not washed hands after contact, especially before eating. Worms, or rather their eggs, can be carried by flies and cockroaches.

Cream worms can only live in the intestines, they are very comfortable in the thin part, in the large intestine and cecum. To mate, the parasite selects the ileum, from which the female crawls out through the anus and lays eggs in the anus. Symptoms of cream worms in the body are itching in the anus, allergies, fatigue, anemia, abdominal pain, fatigue.

For the treatment of enterobiasis, anthelmintics are prescribed. Cream worm prevention based on hand hygiene. They must be washed after visiting any public place.

Roundworms - ringworms

The length of an adult can reach 40 cm. Roundworms live in the human intestine, their eggs hatch naturally, then they continue their development in the soil, where they remain until they enter the human body again. Dirty hands and unwashed vegetables and fruits are a way of ringworm infection. Roundworm eggs are covered with an insoluble shell in the human stomach and allow the roundworm to survive and enter the intestine, where the adult individual develops.

Round worms

Ascariasis can be asymptomatic for a long time. Then symptoms appear, which depend on the location and phase of development of the parasite. In the first phase of ascariasis, patients worry about fever, cough with sputum, skin rash, migraine, enlarged lymph nodes, liver and spleen may appear. In the final phase, when the parasite has entered the intestine, stool disturbances are observed (dysentery, symptoms such as cholera, signs of typhoid fever may occur). There is a painful sensation in the abdomen, a sharp weight loss, and fatigue.


Infection with this parasite occurs through fish. This is a worm intermediary host. Not to be eaten for infection, sometimes enough contact with infected fish. That is why it is very important to handle hands, knives, boards carefully after cutting the fish.


From the sick to the healthy, their worms or larvae cannot be transmitted. Symptoms of infection are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, increased or decreased appetite, dyspeptic disorders. The first signs of the disease may appear a month or two after infection. As a result of the long -term presence of parasites in the human body, pale skin, headache, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, weakness, anemia occur. Treatment aims to kill worms. For this, anthelmintics are used.

Cow tapeworm

Cow tapeworms can grow up to 12 m. It is a hermaphrodite that can produce more than 100, 000 eggs, which are excreted in feces. Eggs fall into the ground, then into crops, these crops are eaten by cows. In the animal's body, the eggs become larvae, which are localized in the muscles. If a person eats contaminated beef, the larvae enter the intestines. Larvae are not spread from person to person.

Adult worms have a head with four suction cups, a neck, and a body consisting of segments. The number of segments continues to increase, mature segments are able to separate from the worms and crawl out of the human intestine.

Cow tapeworm

Symptoms of the disease are nausea, vomiting, dyspeptic disorders, increased salivation, dizziness, weakness, restlessness, fatigue, abdominal pain from erratic localization, allergies, fluctuations in appetite.

To remove tapeworms from the body, there is a scheme consisting of 3 stages: preparation (cleansing the body), treatment with antiparasitic drugs, rehabilitation (diet, herbal medicine).

Pig tapeworms

A person can be infected with pig tapeworm through dirty hands, poorly cooked meat, dirty water, an infected person can expel tapeworm segments and larvae into the environment with vomit and feces.

These worms can live in the human body for up to 15-17 years, attach to the intestinal mucosa, and the larvae can spread throughout the body with the bloodstream and attach to any organ. It is very dangerous if the larvae enter the brain.

Pigs are intermediate hosts; people who come in frequent contact with raw meat are most at risk of being infected with this parasite. Pork chains can be infected through contact and eating meat that has not been treated with heat. In order for all the larvae of the pig tapeworm to be crushed in the meat, the meat must be cooked for a long time or frozen for 2-3 weeks.

Pig tapeworms

Pig tapeworms can affect the small intestine, liver, brain, visual organs, muscles, etc. If tapeworms affect vital organs, then a person may suffer paralysis or even death.

Symptoms of pig tapeworm: the occurrence of allergic reactions, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, weakness, dizziness, headache, weight loss, itching in the anus. The worms infect the intestinal mucosa, so the symptoms are very similar to enteritis.

The treatment is to take drugs that have a paralyzing effect on the worm, as a result of which it cannot stay in the intestinal wall and come out. But at the same time, it releases large amounts of toxic substances, which can cause anaphylactic shock in a person. Therefore, treatment can only be performed under the supervision of a physician.

Parasites in the mouth

Parasites in the human mouth are most often manifested by the following types:

  • trichomonas;
  • oral amuba;
  • Diptera larvae (oral myiasis).

The clinical picture is as follows:

  • allergies;
  • weakness, weight loss;
  • fetid odor from the mouth;
  • a feeling of confusion in the larynx;
  • itching and sweating;
  • nausea, loss of strength.

Worms that live in the mouth can destroy teeth, making purulent deposits on the mucous membranes and tongue. Treatment is only prescribed by a doctor who takes into account the symptoms present, as well as the type of parasite. A prerequisite for treatment is examination of all persons in contact with the patient.


Above, not all are considered, even the most common parasites that can live in the human body. It is important to understand the great dangers of the area: worms in a person can cause very serious consequences and eventually lead to the death of its owner. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose parasites in a timely manner and get rid of them. As for preventive measures, it usually consists of hygiene and grilling of high quality meat eaten.